Young aspirants for career in Indian Air Force as an Airman can join in either 1. Technical trade 2. Non-Technical trade As a Technical trade Airman the job description involves the maintenance and testing of aircraft and other various flying related equipment besides Involved in maintaining and overhaul of ground equipment and armament. As a non technical airman involves assistance and support to the various functions ranging from weather forecasting to maintenance of records and files of the various branches of IAF. As this job involved the security and integrity of the nation thus the personnel handling these jobs need to be hardworking, loyal to the nation and of impeccable integrity.
GROUP ‘X’ trades (Except Education Instructor) | 17 – 21 Years | Passed Intermediate / 10+2 / equivalent examination withMathematics, Physics and English, with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in EnglishOR Three years Diploma course in Engineering (Mechanical / Electrical / Electronics / Automobile / Computer Science / Instrumentation Technology / Information Technology) from a Government recognised Polytechnic Institure with minimum 50% marks in overall aggregate, and 50% marks in English in Diploma or in Intermediate / Matriculation if English is not a subject in Diploma |
Group ‘X’ : Education Instructor Trade | 20-25 Years | Graduate in Arts, Commerce or Science with B. Ed degree ortwo years teaching experience in a Government recognised School/College, with minimum 50% marks in aggregate in Graduation as well as B. EdOR |
20-28 Years | Passed MA English / M Sc in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science / MCA with B Ed degree or 2 Years teaching experience in a Government recognised School / College | |
Group ‘Y’ Trades ( Except Med Asst and Musician) | 17-21 Years | Passed Intermediate / 10+2 / equivalent examination in any stream / subject approved by Central / State Education Boards with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in EnglishOR Passed two years vocational course affiliated / recognised by CBSE / State Education Boards / Councils duly recognised at par with 10+2 by AIU with minimum 50 % marks in aggregate, and50% marks in English in Vocational Course or in Intermediate / Matriculation if English is not a subject in Vocational Course |
Group ‘Y’ : Med Asst Trade | 17-21 Years | Passed 10+2 / Intermediate / equivalent exam with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate and 50% marks in English |
Group ‘Y’ : Musician Trade | 17-25 Years | Passed Matriculation / 10th class or equivalent with minimum pass marks from any Government recognised School/Boards and proficient in playing at least one of the following musical instruments: Trumpet / Bass / Violin / Saxophone / Clarinet / Euphonium / Jazz-Drum / Piccolo / Bass Trombone / Key Board / Guitar / Sarod / Viola / Cello / Contra Bass (String Bass). |
The selection as an Airman in the IAF is conducted through All India Selection Tests and Recruitment Rallies. All India Selection Tests are conducted at the Airmen Selection Centres (ASCs) located all over India as per schedule, whereas the Recruitment Rallies are conducted from time to time in selected areas/regions of particular States/Union Territories of the country. Selection procedure includes:-
- Written Test
- Adaptability Test
- Physical Fitness Test
- Medical Test
- Interview
- Trade Allocation Test
Syllabus for Written Test
(a) Group ‘X’ (Technical) Trades Candidates are tested in English, Physics and Mathematics. Duration of written test will be 60 minutes.
(b) Group ‘X’ (Education Instructor) Trades There will be two papers – an Objective type and a Descriptive type. The Objective type of paper would cover General English, General Awareness and Current Affairs. The Descriptive type of paper would aim to test the language comprehension and power of expression. Both of the question papers will be administered in one go with duration of 40 and 35 minutes for Objective and Descriptive papers respectively.
(c) Group ‘Y’ (Non-Technical) Trades Candidates are tested in English and Reasoning & General Awareness (RAGA). Duration of written test will be 45 minutes.
(d) Group ‘Y’ (Musician) Trades Candidates are tested in English dictation and proficiency to play the musical instrument applied for. Detailed Syllabus of X-Group Detailed Syllabus of Y-Group